Campfire Stories

Campfire Stories

Camping Stories

I have 106 Stories for you to use at camp.
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Campfire stories are the essence of camping. What self-respecting counselor, camper, or outdoorsman doesn't have a couple of ghost stories up his sleeve, ready to tell on a dark evening out in the woods? There's no better way to end a day than by taking turns spinning yarns around the crackle of fire, dodging the smoke always blowing your way. A ghost story is probably what comes to mind when someone mentions campfires but I've got dozens of stories, ranging from the simply silly to downright scary. You can choose a campfire story to fit your audience and thrill the campers.

Campfire Stories

The telling of short campfire stories lets a camper be in the spotlight for a few minutes. Memorizing the words and bringing the ghost stories to life are good ways to build public speaking skills. Whether you prefer funny or scary, weird or thoughtful, the tales on this site will certainly make your camping program more fun. Make an effort to pick appropriate ghost stories or other campfire stories for the campers that will hear it - you don't want people up all night too scared to sleep.