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Bombs and Shields Camping Activity 
Younger players will have fun just running around, but try this for a few minutes with a group of older players and then reflect about it after the activity.
Everyone stands in a defined playing area. Leader explains that there is a bomb that will explode in 2 minutes and the only way to avoid the blast is to have a shield between you and the bomb.
Each camper secretly chooses someone else that will be the Bomb and another camper that will be the Shield. On 'Go' signal, every player attempts to move so that the Shield is between the camper and the Bomb.
Since everyone has chosen different Bombs and Shields, everyone is constantly moving and no one ever 'wins'.
Ask why it was so difficult to keep the shield in place. Is it possible to have a group succeed when everyone has their own personal goals rather than a goal for the group? |