Radioactive Transport Camping Activity

Radioactive Transport Camping Activity

Radioactive Transport   Radioactive Transport Camping Activity   Camping Activity

This Activity is meant for older campers.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.

Required:small can of water
12x12 square plywood (with 8 holes optional)
8 ropes tied to the plywood - 6 feet long
Preparation:tie the 8 ropes together to make a star and place the plywood on top with the can sitting on it. Or, tie each rope through a hole in the plywood which makes the activity easier.
Notes:Use to build teamwork, communication, leadership.
Goal: Transport the radioactive waste to a dumping station without getting too close to it or spilling it.

Each camper holds onto a rope and together, the team lifts the platform and moves the can to the finish line.

Radioactive Transport Camping Activity