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DodgeBall in a Circle Camping Game 
Required: | 10 or more campers 2 or more rubber dodgeballs or other safe balls |
Instructions: | Draw large circle - 40 feet in diameter. All campers are dodgers inside circle except for 1 or 2 campers that are throwers. Throwers stay outside the circle and try to hit dodgers inside with a ball. If hit, a camper leaves the circle and becomes a thrower. Last one left wins. Hits above the waist do not count and that thrower sits out the next round as a consequence. Dodgers can not catch the balls. If a ball bounces before hitting a dodger, it does not count.
Alternative: Have all members of one team inside the circle and everyone else are throwers outside. When somone is hit, they sit out. Repeat for every team and then have winners from each team in the circle to find the grand champion. |