Kangaroo Wrestling Camping Game

Kangaroo Wrestling Camping Game

Kangaroo Wrestling   Kangaroo Wrestling Camping Game   Camping Game

This Game is meant for older campers.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.

Preparation:Mark off a 8 or 10 foot diameter circle
Notes:This can be fairly rough, but there's not much risk of injury.
Instructions:Leader numbers off campers.
All campers stand around the circle in any order.
Leader calls out two numbers and those two campers enter the ring to wrestle.
Before entering the ring, each kangaroo must cross his arms over his chest and hop on one foot.
A kangaroo loses if:
  • second foot touches the ground.
  • arms come uncrossed.
  • steps out of the ring.

Wrestling is done by bouncing into each other - no grabbing with hands.

Kangaroo Wrestling Camping Game