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Shoot Out Camping Game 
Required: | 1 plastic bottle, piece of lumber, or safe item to stand on end for each camper. a dozen or so stones for each camper. |
Notes: | This game gives larger teams an advantage, but other teams can even the odds through cooperation. |
Instructions: | Each team stands up a bottle representing each camper in a line. This should create a long line of bottles with a bit of space between each grouping. All campers take position on the firing line about 10 or 20 yards from the bottles. On the 'FIRE' signal, everyone throws stones trying to knock down bottles representing campers in other teams. When a bottle is knocked down, a member from that team must step away from the firing line and sit down - killed in action. But, that camper can leave stones for remaining teammates.
The last team with bottles standing wins. Or, the most bottles left when all stones are thrown.
After playing once or twice, teams may form alliances to take out the best team early. Other strategies may be used as well. |