Stalking Camping Game

Stalking Camping Game

Stalking   Stalking Camping Game   Camping Game

This Game is meant for older campers.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.

Notes:Best played in a well-wooded area.
Playing at dusk gives the stalkers a better chance.
Instructions:One camper is the 'deer' and goes out into the play area.
After 1 minute, all other campers begin stalking the deer.
If the deer sees a stalker but can not recognize who it is, the deer may bolt in the opposite direction 5 steps.
If the deer sees a stalker and identifies by name, the stalker must stand up and move at least 50 feet away from their last position.

After a set time limit of 5-10 minutes, blow a whistle to signal the end of the game. All stalkers stand up and the team with the closest stalker gets 10 points, next closest stalker gets 7 points, and 3rd closest gets 5 points.

Stalking Camping Game