Venison Stew Camping Recipe

Venison Stew Camping Recipe

Venison Stew   Venison Stew Camping Recipe   Camping Recipe

This Recipe is meant for older campers.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.

Ingredients:2 cloves garlic
4 green peppers
1 sliced onion
3 sliced potatoes
3 tablespoons shortening
4 carrots
2 pounds of cubed venison or beef
1 can tomato sauce
6 medium onions
1 cup water
salt & pepper to taste
Notes:main course
Instructions:Fry sliced onion, garlic and shortening in Dutch oven.
Add the meat and brown.
Remove garlic.
Cover with tomato sauce and water.
Add carrots, peppers, potatoes and whole onions.
Add more water if necessary along with the seasonings.
Cook for 1 hour. Add hot coals to top of lid as well.

Serves 6-8 campers.

Venison Stew Camping Recipe