Zip-loc Omelette Camping Recipe

Zip-loc Omelette Camping Recipe

Zip-loc Omelette   Zip-loc Omelette Camping Recipe   Camping Recipe

This Recipe is meant for older campers.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.

Required:large pot
hotdog tongs
huge paperclip
zip-loc baggie for each camper
Ingredients:2 eggs
grated cheese
ham bits
salt, pepper, other desired spices.
Instructions:Bring water to boil in large pot.
Crack eggs into zip-loc baggie.
Add ham bits.
Add spices.
Close and shake to mix.
Use paper clip to hold tops of all baggies together so they do not melt on the side of the hot pot.
Place baggies into hot water.
Boil until eggs are firm and cooked.
Open baggie and add grated cheese.
Eat right out of baggie.

Zip-loc Omelette Camping Recipe