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Complaining Monk Camping Skit 
This Skit is meant for older campers. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.
Required: | 2 campers A sign that says '10 Years Later' |
Script: | Head Monk is sitting or just standing around. New Monk walks onstage. Head Monk: Good morning, monk. It's great to have you join us here at the slient monastery. To strengthen our wills, all new monks take a vow of silence. Do you understand this? New Monk: (nods head) Head Monk: Good! You have ten years in which to contemplate life, death, and everything else. At the end of ten years, you may speak any two words you choose. Do you understand this? New Monk: (nods head) Head Monk: Great! Have a nice day. New Monk: (walks offstage) (Head Monk holds up sign or just says 'Ten Years Later'.) New Monk walks up to Head Monk. Head Monk: Aw, dear monk, it has been ten years. What do you wish to say? New Monk: Hard Bed Head Monk: Hmmm, I see. Have a nice day. New Monk: (walks offstage)
(Head Monk holds up sign or just says 'Ten Years Later'.) New Monk walks up to Head Monk. Head Monk: Aw, dear monk, it has been another ten years. What do you wish to say? New Monk: Bad Food Head Monk: Hmmm, I see. Have a nice day. New Monk: (walks offstage)
(Head Monk holds up sign or just says 'Ten Years Later'.) New Monk walks up to Head Monk. Head Monk: Aw, dear monk, it has been yet another ten years. What do you wish to say? New Monk: Cold Showers Head Monk: Hmmm, I see. Have a nice day. New Monk: (walks offstage)
(Head Monk holds up sign or just says 'Ten Years Later'.) New Monk walks up to Head Monk. Head Monk: Aw, dear monk, you have been with us 40 years. What do you wish to say? New Monk: I QUIT! New Monk: (begins to walk offstage) Head Monk: Well, I'm not surprised. He's been complaining ever since he got here!