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Jelly Beans Please Camping Skit 
Required: | 5 or 6 campers |
Script: | One camper is the candy store owner standing behind his counter - he's a little old man. The other campers all come into his store and stand in a line waiting to buy candy. After each camper buys his candy, he just waits for his buddies to finish buying.
Owner: Hello there, young camper. What candy would you like today? Camper 1: I'd like a quarter's worth of jelly beans, please. Owner: (pointing to the highest shelf on the wall behind him) You mean those jelly beans waaaay up there? Camper 1: Yes, please. Owner mimes getting a ladder, climbing it, getting the jar of jelly beans, climbing down, opening the jar, scooping out a few beans into a bag, and closing the jar. Owner: 25 cents, please. Camper 1: Thanks! Owner mimes climbing the ladder, replacing the jar, and climbing down the ladder.
Owner: Next, please. Camper 2: I'd like a quarter's worth of jelly beans, please. Owner: (pointing to the case in front of him) Are you sure you don't want some Swedish fish or licorice laces? Camper 2: No thanks, just jelly beans. Owner mimes again. Owner: 25 cents. Camper 2: Thanks! Owner finishes mime.
Owner: Next, please. Camper 3: I'd like a quarter's worth of jelly beans, please. Owner: Aw, man! Look at these great jawbreakers and lemon drops! Camper 3: No thanks, just jelly beans. Owner mimes again. Owner: 25 cents. Camper 3: Thanks! (Can do this more times with more campers, but it gets old quickly)
Owner: Next! Owner: Hey, I suppose you want a quarter's worth of jelly beans too? Camper 4: No, thank you. Owner mimes climbing the ladder, replacing the jar, and climbing down the ladder. Owner: OK, what do you want then? Camper 4: I'd like a dime's worth of jelly beans, please!
Owner groans and chases all the campers out of his store, running like a little old man.