Need a Big Jerk Camping Skit

Need a Big Jerk Camping Skit

Need a Big Jerk   Need a Big Jerk Camping Skit   Camping Skit

Required:4 campers
and one volunteer (good-humored victim)
Script:One camper is a lawnmower that will not start.
Camper #1 is trying to start the lawnmower. Lawnmower coughs and sputters each attempt.
Camper #2 walks on, asks what's wrong, and gives it a try. Lawnmower still does not start.
Camper #3 tries with no luck.
Campers ask for someone really strong from the audience to help them.

When the volunteer tries, the lawnmower starts right up on the first attempt.

Camper #1: Wow, thanks! I guess it just needed a big jerk!

Need a Big Jerk Camping Skit