Nutty Fisherman Camping Skit

Nutty Fisherman Camping Skit

Nutty Fisherman   Nutty Fisherman Camping Skit   Camping Skit

Required:fishing pole


Preparation:2 campers
Script:Center stage is a camper fishing from a tin can or bucket, he keeps pulling the rod as though he has something on the line. A passerby looks at him as he walks past and then walks on, after a few steps the passerby comes back to the camper.

Passerby: 'What ya doing there?'

Fisher: 'I'm fishing, what's it like I'm doin?'

Passerby: 'Fishing eh!, what are you fishing for.'

Fisher: 'I'm fishing for suckers.'

Passer by: 'Have you caught any?'

Fisher: 'Yes you're the third one today!'

Nutty Fisherman Camping Skit