Over the Cliff Camping Skit

Over the Cliff Camping Skit

Over the Cliff   Over the Cliff Camping Skit   Camping Skit

Required:2 campers
Script:Scene: One camper is standing at the top of a high cliff, peering down over the edge.

Camper 1: 38, 38, 38, 38, ...
Camper 2: (walks up behind first camper ) Hey, be careful there! What are you doing?
Camper 1: Take a look! There's 38 of 'em down there!
Camper 2: (peers over the edge) 38? 38 what? I don't see anything.
(Camper 1 gives him a gentle push on the back, just enough to send him over the edge.)
Camper 1: 39, 39, 39, ...

Over the Cliff Camping Skit