Pulling and Pushing Rope Camping Skit

Pulling and Pushing Rope Camping Skit

Pulling and Pushing Rope   Pulling and Pushing Rope Camping Skit   Camping Skit

Required:3 campers
a big rope
a big rope with a long, stiff wire through the center of it to make it stiff.
Script:One camper takes center stage and begins explaining the next skit or announcement. Then, the second camper enters, dragging a rope around in front of the first camper and around him.

Camper #1: What are you doing?
Camper #2: Pulling a rope around.
Camper #1: Why!?!
Camper #2: You don't expect me to PUSH it do you?
(#2 exits and #1 begins talking again while #3 enters pushing the stiff rope and circles #1)

Camper #1: What do you think you're doing?
Camper #3: Pushing a rope around of course. Anyone can PULL a rope, but it takes real skill to PUSH one!

(#1 can chase #3 off stage)

Pulling and Pushing Rope Camping Skit