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Quazimoto, the Bell Ringer Camping Skit 
This Skit is meant for older campers. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.
Required: | 4 or more campers a blanket |
Preparation: | One person is Quazimoto, the hunchback of Notre Dame. One camper is a man with no arms. (keep arms inside shirt) One camper is his brother, also with no arms. The rest are policemen. |
Script: | (best done as three separate scenes with other skits between)
(Scene 1:) Quazi: Oh. Hello there. I'm Quazimoto, the hunchback of Notre Dame. I ring the bells. (He demonstrates pulling the ropes which swings the bells, up, down, up, down, and the big bells ring, bong, bong, bong, bong.) Quazi: It's hard ringing these bells. So I put an ad in the paper for an assistant. (2nd camper comes on stage and knocks at door)
Quazi: Oh. That must be him now. (Go down the long winding spiral staircase, still hunched over.) I have a long winding staircase, you know. (Continue going down.) (Open the big heavy door.) Quazi: Hello?
No Arms: Hi! I read your ad in the paper, and I want to be your assistant!
Quazi: But you don't have any arms.
No Arms: I really really really want to ring bells! Please please please, give me a chance!
Quazi: Well. OK. Walk this way. (Go up the staircase, hunched and arms dragging)
No Arms: I can't, I don't have any arms! (going up perfectly straight with arms behind them)
Quazi: OK. Here are the bells. Here is how I ring them (up, down, up, down, bong, bong, bong, bong). I don't know what you're going to do. You don't have any arms.
No Arms: I can do it! Just watch! (He gets a running start, then whacks the bell with his face.) Booooong!!!
Quazi: Wow...that was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard! Please, Please do it again!
(The assistant gets a running start, misses the bell and falls to his death.)
Quazi: Ew. Squished bellringer.
(Knock knock knock) (Quazimoto descends the staircase)
Police: Quazimoto, do you know this man?
(Quazimoto turns the guy over, looks at the face, puts him down again.) Quazi: No. But his face rings a bell! (Police drag dead body away while Quazi climbs back up stairs.)
(Scene 2:) Quazi: Hmmm, quite a shame about that poor guy yesterday. I hope I get some help today. (No Arms #2 knocks on door. Quazi climbs down staircase again.) Quazi: Hello?
No Arms: Hi! I read your ad in the paper, and I want to be your assistant!
Quazi: I thought you were dead.
Quazi: That was my brother! He so wanted to be a bellringer, that was his life's ambition! His greatest dream! With him dead, I felt that I just had to come and take his place!!
Quazi: But you don't have any arms.
No Arms: I really really really want to ring bells! Please please please, give me a chance!
Quazi: Well. OK. Walk this way. (Go up the staircase, hunched and arms dragging)
No Arms: I can't, I don't have any arms! (going up perfectly straight with arms behind them)
Quazi: OK. Here are the bells. Here is how I ring them (up, down, up, down, bong, bong, bong, bong). I don't know what you're going to do. You don't have any arms.
No Arms: I can do it! Just watch! (He gets a running start, then whacks the bell with his face.) Booooong!!!
Quazi: Wow...that was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard! Please, Please do it again!
(The assistant gets a running start, misses the bell and falls to his death.) No Arms: AAAAH! (splat)
Quazi: Ew. Squished bellringer.
(Knock knock knock) (Quazimoto descends the staircase)
Police: Quazimoto, do you know this man??
(Quazimoto turns the guy over, looks at the face, puts him down again.) Quazi: No. But he's a dead ringer for the guy that was here yesterday.
(Scene 3:) Two campers run onstage with a blanket stretched between them. They scan the sky as they shuffle around as if preparing to catch something falling from the sky. Quazi: Hey, you two! What are you doing running around outside my belltower? Police: Well, the last two nights someone has jumped from the tower and we're ready for him this time!