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Sammy Camper Camping Skit 
This Skit has gross parts and is meant for older campers. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.
Required: | Trash bags, toiletries, whipped cream, plastic knife. |
Preparation: | Two campers cover up with trash bags so only the head of the camper in front can be seen. They sit on a table or chair. |
Script: | Two campers sit covered by trash bags so they look like just one person. Only the front camper's head pokes out of the trash bag.
The M.C. introduces Sammy Camper and says he is going to demonstrate his excellent hygiene and habits to show how a Camper is Clean.
He says things like 'Sammy gets up in the morning and brushes his teeth'. The camper in the back reaches around Sammy, acting as his arms and hands. He tries to put toothpaste on a toothbrush and brush Sammy's teeth.
The skit continues with grooming hair, shaving (using whipped cream and plastic knife), eating, drinking, etc.
The bigger the mess, the bigger the laughs! |