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Water, Water Camping Skit 
Script: | A camper crawls slowly across the stage, as if he were dragging himself across the hot, sandy desert. It's best if he has long, really mussed up hair.
Camper 1: Water, water!
(another camper walks by and camper #1 begs...) Camper 1: Water, water! Camper 2: Sorry, dude, I don't have any. (and he walks off stage)
(repeat having other campers walk by as camper #1 works his way across the stage, stopping each one and receiving an ad lib response.)
(finally, camper #1 sees a cup or bucket of water ahead of him.) Camper 1: Water! Hallelujah! (He quickly drags himself to it. When he gets there, he quickly stands up, pulls out his comb, dips it in the water, combs his hair, and walks offstage whistling.)