Zambolo - Foot Fortune Teller Camping Skit

Zambolo - Foot Fortune Teller Camping Skit

Zambolo - Foot Fortune Teller   Zambolo - Foot Fortune Teller Camping Skit   Camping Skit

This Skit is meant for older campers.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.

Required:2 campers, 3 volunteers
a chair
Notes:This is a prank skit, which may cause hard feelings, so care should be used in choosing volunteers.
Script:One camper is the fortune teller and the other is his assistant. They both stand center stage.

Zambolo: I am the great Zambolo and I can tell the future. Many people can read palms, but I am the only one that can read soles - I read people's feet. I need a volunteer, please.
(volunteer is asked to sit in chair)
(Zambolo takes off shoe and hands it to assistant to hold)

(Zambolo examines the foot closely.)
Zambolo: I see you will have a long and healthy life.
(assistant returns shoe and another volunteer is requested as the first puts on his shoe and leaves)

(Repeat foot examination with 2nd volunteer)
Zambolo: It says you will earn great riches and marry a wonderful wife and have perfect children.
(assistant returns shoe and another volunteer is requested as the previous puts on his shoe and leaves)

(Repeat foot examination with 3rd volunteer)
Zambolo: Oh, this is good. I predict you will be taking a long trip very soon.

Assistant holds out shoe, but instead of giving it back, he turns and throws it as far as he can.

Zambolo - Foot Fortune Teller Camping Skit