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Dog Bean Camping Song 
Preparation: | Have at least one accomplice that has a dog name ready. |
| You should pronounce 'been' formally like 'bean'. If you start with less obvious names and work towards the obvious, it may take new guys longer to figure out the joke. |
Lyrics: | My dog Rover likes to roam One day Rover left his home He came back, nice and clean Where oh where had Rover been? Rover been, Rover been Where oh where had Rover been?
[Say this part] Hey, Joe! (or Bob or Larry or ...) Yeah? Do you have a dog? Yeah! What's your dog's name? Jelly!
Joe's dog Jelly likes to roam One day Jelly left his home He came back, nice and clean Where oh where had Jelly bean? Jelly bean, Jelly bean Where oh where had Jelly bean?
[Continue asking for other dog names] Other verses: Jumping, Mister, Navy, Kidney, Garbanzo, Lima, Coffee