Giants, Elfs, and Wizards Camping Game

Giants, Elfs, and Wizards Camping Game

Giants, Elfs, and Wizards   Giants, Elfs, and Wizards Camping Game   Camping Game

Preparation:Set up a playing area with safe zones marked at each end, about 60 feet apart.
Notes:This is a team version of Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Instructions:Teach everyone the following three characters:
  • Giant - Tip-toes, raise hands above head, curl fingers, growling sounds
  • Wizard - Crouch slightly, wave and point a magic wand, shouting "kazaam!"
  • Elf - On haunches, hands cupped for big ears, shrill screeching noises

Give campers practice by calling out the characters and having them do the actions.

Split the group into two teams.

Each team huddles to decide on character.

Teams line up facing each other at midfield with about 5 feet between teams.

On signal, each team strikes pose for their character. Whichever team 'wins' chases the other team back to their safe zone. Those that are tagged join the chasing team.
  • Giant squishes Elf
  • Wizard zaps Giant
  • Elf shoots Wizard with a bow

Each team huddles to determine new character and repeat until all campers are on the same team.

Giants, Elfs, and Wizards Camping Game