Three Step Relay Camping Game

Three Step Relay Camping Game

Three Step Relay   Three Step Relay Camping Game   Camping Game

This Game is meant for older campers.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.

Required:3 bricks or 6 inch lengths of 2x4 for each team
Instructions:Define start line and a finish line about 25 feet away. The area between is lava, acid, or some other terrible death awaiting.

Teams line up at start line.
First camper on each team is given the three bricks.
The camper must cross to the finish line with only the bricks touching the ground.
When campers reach the finish, they become immune to the lava, pick up the three bricks and race them back to the next camper.
First team to finish or complete a set number of round trips is the winner.

Campers that touch the ground must bring the bricks back and start over or give them to the next camper and go to the end of the line.

Three Step Relay Camping Game