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CPR Switch Camping Skit 
This Skit is meant for older campers. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.
Required: | 3 campers |
Script: | Camper #1 walks across the stage and suddenly grabs his chest and collapses at center stage.
Camper #2 and #3 enter, talking about how excited they are about completing their CPR, First Aid, Lifeguard, ... training.
They see Camper #1 and stop. They rush over and check the person for response. Camper #2: Are you ok? (shaking his shoulder) Camper #2: (to Camper #3) Call 9-1-1, he's not responding. While #3 makes a quick pretend call, #2 listens and feels for breath and signs of life. There are none.
Camper #2 starts fake chest compressions while #3 counts them to 30. Camper #3: Switch!
All three campers switch positions. #3 lays down. #2 does counting. #1 does fake compressions.