Emergency Alert System Camping Skit

Emergency Alert System Camping Skit

Emergency Alert System Camping Skit
Emergency Alert System A Favorite Camping Skit

Required:6 to 10 campers
Notes:Make sure you practice so the Beeeeeps start and stop when they should and so that the punch line does not drag on too long.
Script:All campers but one stand in line. Lead camper is in front or to one side.
Leader: For the next ten seconds we wil conduct a test of the emergency broadcast system.
(line of campers all make Beeeeeeeeeeep sound until the leader raises his hand.)
Leader: Thank you. This concludes the test of the emergency broadcast system. Had this been an actual emergency, you would have heard...
(line of campers scream in panic and run around)

Emergency Alert System Camping Skit