Hare Restorer Camping Skit

Hare Restorer Camping Skit

Hare Restorer   Hare Restorer Camping Skit   Camping Skit

Required:3 campers
hair spray can
Script:Rabbit is hopping around center stage.
Camper enters stage as if driving a car and runs into rabbit.
Camper gets out of car and checks rabbit and sees that he is definitely dead.
Second camper drives up and stops.
Camper #2: What's the matter?
Camper #1: I hit this poor rabbit and killed it.
Camper #2: Hey, that's no problem. I have just what you need right here - my wife left it in the car. Try it.
(hand spray can to other camper. Camper shakes it and sprays a little on the rabbit. Rabbit twitches, gets up, and hops away. As he is hopping, he turns and waves at each hop.)

Camper #1: Wow, that's great! What is this stuff?
(reads can.)
Camper #1: Hair Restorer - restores dead, lifeless hair and gives it a permanent wave.

Hare Restorer Camping Skit