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I Saw a Bear Camping Skit 
Notes: | This skit should only be done with good-natured adult leaders or a camper that knows what will happen. |
Script: | Ask for volunteers, 5 or more works best. Have the volunteers line up on stage and the skit leader is on the left end of the line.
Leader: OK, please crunch closer together. Real close so your shoulders are tight together. That's it! Leader: This is a very simple silly skit so I appreciate you volunteering. When I say "I saw a bear!", you all say "WHERE?". Then, I'll point where and you copy me. Leader: OK, let's try it.
Leader: Wait, since we're looking for bear, we'd better crouch down and be careful. (crouch down and check the the rest also are.) Leader: I saw a Bear! Volunteers: Where? Leader: Over there! (big arm gesture and points far to the left with his right hand. All volunteers should then also point.) Leader: I saw a Bear! Volunteers: Where? Leader: Over there! (big arm gesture and points far to the right with his left arm so his arms are crossed. All volunteers should then also point.) Leader: I saw a Bear! Volunteers: Where? Leader: Over there! (big leg gesture and points far to the left with his right leg. All volunteers should then also point.) Leader: I saw a Bear! Volunteers: Where? Leader: Over there! (big head gesture and points far to the right with his head. All volunteers should then also point.)
At this point, the volunteers should be in a tight line with most of their weight on their left foot and their right leg out to the left and their head leaning to the right. Not a lot to prevent them from all tipping over with a slight push on the left-most camper. Leader: I saw a Bear! Volunteers: Where? Leader: Over there! (and pushes the first camper in line, hopefully toppling them all down)
If they are all adults, the campers in the audience love it. But, don't expect some of those volunteers to ever volunteer for a skit again if you did not warn them beforehand.