Lost Green Ball Camping Skit

Lost Green Ball Camping Skit

Lost Green Ball   Lost Green Ball Camping Skit   Camping Skit

This Skit has gross parts.

Required:4 to 6 campers
Script:First camper is looking around for something on the ground center stage.
(next camper walks up to 1st.)
Camper #2: What are you doing?
Camper #1: Looking for my green ball I lost. Will you help me?
Camper #2: Sure. (starts looking.)
(repeat for all campers. After all are looking, first camper finally gives up looking.)
Camper #1: Oh well, I don't think we're ever going to find it. I'll just make another one.
(he starts picking his nose and using the contents to roll a ball in his hands.)

Lost Green Ball Camping Skit