My Royal Papers Camping Skit

My Royal Papers Camping Skit

My Royal Papers   My Royal Papers Camping Skit   Camping Skit

This Skit has gross parts.

Required:at least 2 campers
toilet paper roll
any number of other types of paper
Script:(leader is King, or President, or Gang Boss and is sitting on a chair center stage facing audience.)
Leader: Bring me my [Royal, Presidential, Important] papers!
(a camper runs up to him with a newspaper.)
Leader: Those are NOT my Royal papers. (throws them aside.)
Leader: Bring me my Royal papers now!
(a camper runs up to him with notebook paper.)
Leader: Those are NOT my Royal papers. (throws them aside.)

(repeat with paper towels, wrapping paper, brown paper bag, ...)

Leader: Bring me my Royal papers now!
(a camper runs up to him with roll of toilet paper.)
Leader: Aaaaaah, FINALLY! My Royal papers! (and hugs the roll to his chest as he runs offstage needing to use the toilet.)

My Royal Papers Camping Skit