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Reporter Gets a Story Camping Skit 
This Skit is meant for older campers. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.
Required: | 4 or more campers. optional - log to stand on. |
Notes: | You can make up other stories for others wanting to jump. |
Script: | Camper acting as a Reporter walks on stage and stands behind the log. Reporter: I haven't had a good story in months and if I don't get one today I'll be fired. I'm going to jump off this bridge. (he steps up on log, looking down towards the ground, getting ready to jump. Robber walks on stage, reporter sees him and speaks to him.) Reporter: What happened to you? You look really sad. Robber: I am. I'm a robber and I just robbed a bank, took $75 million dollars, stole an airplane and flew away. Then, I set it on auto-pilot, took a parachute and jumped out. But, I forgot the money! I'm a failure and I'm going to jump off this bridge. Reporter: Sure, there's plenty of room. Come on up. (Basketball player walks on stage.) Reporter: What's wrong with you? Basketball Player: There was 2 seconds left in the NBA championships and I missed the basket that would have won it all. Now, everyone on the team hates me. I'm going to jump off this bridge. Reporter: Gee, that's awful. Come on up. (Clown walks on stage.) Reporter: What's wrong with you? Clown: I'm a clown, but I'm not funny. I scared all the little kids at a birthday party today and I'm going to lose my Clown License tomorrow. I'm here to jump off this bridge. Reporter: Gee, that's awful. Come on up. (everyone is standing on the log.) Reporter: OK, let's all go on the count of 3. Ready. 1, 2, 3! (all jump except the reporter) Reporter: Wow, what a story! Hold the presses! (as he runs offstage)
Other lines: I'm a teacher, but I just can't stand those kids any longer. I'm a park ranger, but I hate camping. I'm a scout, but I can't find any little old ladies to help.