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Throwing Little Stones Camping Skit 
Required: | 5 or more campers |
Preparation: | people are indians coming to Brave School 1 person is leader smallest person is Little Stones
Script: | Indian Brave is waiting center stage for little indians to arrive for Brave School. First indian arrives. Brave: What is your name, little indian? Camper #1: My name is Running Duck. Brave: Running Duck, why are you late for first day of Brave School? You will never be big brave like me if you are always late. Camper #1: Sorry, Big Brave. I was throwing little stones in the raging river.
(next camper runs in.) Brave: What is your name, little indian? Camper #2: My name is Slender Trees. Brave: Slender Trees, why are you late for first day of Brave School? You will never be big brave like me if you are always late. Camper #2: Sorry, Big Brave. I was throwing little stones at the birds in the trees.
(next camper runs in.) Brave: What is your name, little indian? Camper #3: My name is Tiny Bear. Brave: Tiny Bear, why are you late for first day of Brave School? You will never be big brave like me if you are always late. Camper #3: Sorry, Big Brave. I was throwing little stones off the tall cliff.
(repeat for all campers, each making up a name and where they were throwing little stones...)
(last camper comes stumbling in battered and bruised and in pain.) Brave: Why are you late, little indian? What is your name? Last One: My name is Little Stones.