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Trained Caterpillar Camping Skit 
Required: | 5 campers, big sheet, cup of water, rag or small cloth |
Script: | (4 campers get under the sheet in a line so they can walk around like a caterpillar. They should all be bent over at the waist, holding the guy's waist ahead. The last guy has a small cup of water in his hand under the sheet)
Trainer: Ladies and Gentlemen! Today, you will see some new tricks performed by my amazing trained caterpillar, Floyd! Floyd, come on out! (caterpillar walks out onstage)
Trainer: Floyd, turn left! Trainer: Floyd, turn right! Trainer: Floyd, stop! Trainer: Floyd, sit up! (front guy stands up, but stays under sheet) Trainer: Floyd, lay down! Trainer: Floyd, up! (caterpillar gets back up) Floyd, fetch! (throw the rag on the ground in front of Floyd so he can walk forward and the first guy can pick it up and take it to the trainer.)
Trainer: Floyd has been practicing a new trick all week, but we need a volunteer to help us. (Pick one from the audience) Trainer: OK, lie down here and Floyd will walk over you without harming a hair on your head! OK, Floyd, march! (Floyd carefully walks over the volunteer but at the last guy passes over, he lifts his leg towards the audience and dumps the cup of water.) Trainer: Oops, I forgot Floyd isn't potty-trained yet.