Yaputcha Camping Skit

Yaputcha Camping Skit

Yaputcha   Yaputcha Camping Skit   Camping Skit

Required:5 or more campers
Script:Indian Chief is sitting center stage.
Each brave approaches the chief in turn...
Brave: Chief Lightfoot, is it time for Yaputcha?
Chief: (looks at sun, drops some dirt to check wind, sniffs the air, ... whatever you can think of.) No, the time is not right.
The braves sit in a circle which includes the chief.

Finally, when the last brave asks, the Chief checks things out and replies.
Chief: Yes, it is now time for Yaputcha!

Everyone cheers, stands up, and begins the hokey-pokey - "Yaputcha right foot in, Yaputcha right foot out, Yaputcha right foot in and shake it all about..."

Yaputcha Camping Skit