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Copycat Collection Camping Activity 
Location: | This Activity should be done Outside. |
Before starting this activity, take a walk around the area and collect about 10 different items, such as rocks, dry grass, twigs, bark, and pinecones. This is your collection. Be careful not to take living items.
To begin the activity, have all teams gather around to see your collection laid out on the ground. Explain that their job is to exactly duplicate your collection. For example, if you have a red maple leaf with a bent stem, the team that finds a leaf the same size, color, shape, and stem bent in the same direction has the best match.
Set a time limit of 8 to 10 minutes. When time is up, take one of your items and compare it to each team's collection. Award points 3, 2, 1 for the three best matches. Continue for every item to determine which team has copied your collection the closest.