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4 Square Camping Game 
This Game is meant for older campers. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.
Required: | 4 teams volleyball or rubberball chalk |
Preparation: | Mark a 16x16 square and divide it into four 8x8 squares. |
Instructions: | Each team lines up at a corner of the play area. First player for each team enters their square. Camper for team #1 serves the ball into square 2, 3, or 4 and then runs to the end of the team line while the next camper takes the place in their square. When the ball enters your square, you must hit it out to either square from which the ball DID NOT come and then have your next team member take your place.
For example, if #1 hits the ball into #3, then #3 can hit it to #2 or #4 but NOT to #3.
When a team fails to return a hit, that team is penalized 1 point. The team with the least points after a set time wins. |