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Duck the Staff Camping Game 
This Game is meant for older campers. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.
Required: | staff for each team(or broomstick) |
Instructions: | Each team lines up in single file with at least 10 feet between team lines. Each team leader is given a staff and stands about 5 feet in front of the team line, facing them. On 'GO' signal, the team leader tosses the staff with two hands to the first in line. Leader may need to demonstrate that the staff is tossed, not thrown point-first.
The first in line tosses it back to the team leader and then ducks down - and hopefully keeps head covered. The team leader tosses the staff to the next in line and so on to the last in line. The last in line remains standing and the team leader tosses the staff a second time. Then, the next camper closer in line stands up and receives a toss and tosses it back. This is repeated until all teammates are again standing and the team leader throws the staff to the first in line.
First team to go through the cycle and give a yell is the winner.
The perceived danger makes the activity exciting, but being hit by a dropped staff is not harmful. As long as tosses are done with two hands and not point-first, there is no real danger.