Instructions: | All the bats in a colony try to return home to their own cave where their King Bat is calling them.
All campers gather at one end of the play area and put on blindfolds. Team leaders spread out at the other end of the play area and put on blindfolds. On "GO" signal, all campers race to their team leader. The first team to have all campers touching their team leader is the winner.
Safety: Since everyone is blindfolded, there needs to be a few referees with whistles. Whenever a whistle sounds, everyone must stop immediately until a double-blast whistle sounds to resume play. Referees need to redirect wandering players away from danger. You can also expect a lot of collisions so playing this on grass is best.
After completing one round, give teams a few minutes to strategize and then do a new round.
Possible strategies might include a more easily heard and understood signal, a special handshake to identify teammates, ways to determine if everyone is present, methods to confuse other teams.