Instructions: | Campers sit in a semi-circle line facing in. Number off each camper around the circle. Start a rhythm of slap knees, clap hands, snap fingers - slap, clap, snap, slap, clap, snap, ... Camper #1 starts and on the 'snap' of the rhythm, calls out a number. The camper with the called number calls out another number on the next 'snap' of the rhythm. If a camper fails to call a number on their turn, or calls a non-existent number, or calls the number before or after the 'snap', goes to the end of the line and gets assigned the highest number. All other campers move up to fill in the old spot and move up a number. The object is to reach the #1 spot and stay there to be the champion Slap, Clap, Snapper.
Make it more difficult by requiring that the previous number called can not be called on the next turn. So, you could not call 3, 5, 3.