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Cross Your Arms Camping Inspiration 
Notes: | There are many ways to accomplish a goal. Follow your leader's plan. |
Script: | Ask everyone to stand up. Ask everyone to relax and fold their arms. Say, "Now, don't move. Look at which of your hands has the fingers on top. Is it the right or left hand?" Ask them to re-fold their arms with the other hand on top.
How does that feel? weird, different, awkward? Which way is 'Correct'? Which way is 'Wrong'? Which way accomplished the goal of 'Fold your Arms'?
Every camper here is different and has different ideas on how to accomplish goals we set. The leader's job is to take those ideas and decide to use the one that fits each camper's style best. And, then the campers's job is to follow the leader, doing their very best to make the plan succeed. It may not be the exact way you would do it, but if it meets the goal then it is a good plan.