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Sleeping at Camp Camping Inspiration 
Script: | You can always spot the greenhorn - the first year camper - as soon as "Taps" sounds on the first night in camp. It's the one who just can't quiet down when the time comes for sleeping.
The experienced camper, comfortable and warm in bed, knows that night is for sleeping - knows that we'll have more fun and be in better shape for all the activities next day, if we get a good night's sleep now.
The greenhorn is the one who makes an uncomfortable bed and wakes up in the wee small hours, cold and sore and unable to get back to sleep. Greenhorns can't stand to be cold and uncomfortable alone, so they wake up a few other soundly sleeping fellow Scouts to share their discomfort.
This, naturally, makes them unpopular scouts, not only with the others that they intentionally woke up, but with all the other campers who are roused by the noise created by the greenhorn out chopping wood to keep warm.
Don't be a camp greenhorn. Night is for sleeping. Be quiet after "Taps" until you get to sleep, and if you wake up early in the morning, don't give away your inexperience by getting up. Stay in bed until Reveille. |