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Dutch Oven Fondue or Fryer Camping Recipe 
This Recipe is meant for older campers. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.
Ingredients: | cooking oil various meats and vegetables batter sauces metal skewers or fondue forks |
Instructions: | A dutch oven works great as an oil fondue or deep fryer. Safety around the hot coals is the one thing that should be stressed and enforced.
All you need is two inches of oil poured in the dutch oven and heated to 375 degrees. Keep the lid off the dutch oven and set it on plenty of coals.
Campers can fondue beef, shrimp, chicken, any meat that will stay on a skewer. We've done hamburger balls, too, but a few will be lost. Fish works fine if you dip it in batter first, otherwise it will flake off.
You can also dip vegetables in a batter and fondue them. Green beans are great. Cut potatoes and make french fries or potato chips.
Can make doughnuts for dessert.
We've tried both cheese and chocolate fondue in a dutch oven, but found it too difficult to regulate the heat to keep it hot, but not burned.