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Dutch Oven Pies Camping Recipe
A Favorite  |
This Recipe is meant for older campers. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.
Required: | pie tin |
Ingredients: | 1 can apple pie filling 1 box Jiffy apple cinnamon muffin mix 1/4 stick butter 1 spray can of whipped cream |
Notes: | dessert Replace apple filling with any of your choice. Try different types of muffin mix for variations. Some people stir the muffin mix into the filling. Also, to do more 'cooking', you can slice real apples instead of using filling. |
Instructions: | Pour the filling into the pie tin. Sprinkle the dry muffin mix over the entire surface. Slice the butter into thin squares and distribute across surface. Put 4 or 5 equal sized pebbles in the dutch oven. Carefully, place the pie tin on top of the pebbles. (keeping the tin off the bottom reduces burning.) Put on the lid and heat to 350 degrees for Baking. Bake for 15 minutes. Dish a spoonful out and apply whipped cream. |