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Simply Salmon Camping Recipe 
This Recipe is meant for older campers. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.
Ingredients: | 2 oranges, or 4 clementines 1/4 cup water 6 4-ounce salmon fillets dill weed |
Instructions: | Slice oranges into cross-sections, each about 1/4 inch thick. Arrange a layer of orange slices in the bottom of the dutch oven, saving 6 slices. Pour water into the dutch oven. Lay salmon fillets on orange slices with the salmon skin side down. Sprinkle dill weed over the salmon. Be generous. Place 6 orange slices on top of salmon fillets. Put lid on the dutch oven and Bake at about 350 degrees for about 30 minutes. Use a fork to poke through the center of a fillet to check for doneness. Move the fork so you can see the coloring of the meat on the inside. The meat should be the same opaque color throughout. A slightly darker color in the center is ok, but not translucent like it was before cooking. Serves 6.