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Bear Attack Camping Skit 
Required: | 4 or more campers |
Script: | 2 campers are camping out, but only have a one-man tent. They argue about who should sleep inside and finally one winds up laying down 'inside' and the other 'outside'. They fall asleep. A group (2 or 3 campers) of bears, thugs, or trolls wander by and see the sleeping camper. They rush up and beat on the camper for a couple seconds and then run off stage. The camper gets up, hobbles to the buddy, explains he was just attacked, and pleads to change places. The other camper won't switch and tells the first to go back to sleep. Once settled down, the bears come back and beat on the camper again. Again, he pleads with buddy to trade. This time, the buddy agrees to switch places. (Can repeat once more if its going well.) After they settle down, the bears come back again. Just as they are going to start beating on the camper outside, one stops and says 'Hey, we've beat this one up enough - let's get the one in the tent!'