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Can't Work in the Dark Camping Skit 
Required: | 4 or more campers |
Script: | All campers are center stage digging with shovels, raking, whatever manual labor they want. One camper just stands there with his arm raised straight as if he were holding a torch in his hand.
(Boss walks onstage to survey the work being done. He sees the one guy not working and walks up to him.) Boss: I'm paying you to work, not to just stand around. Why aren't you working? Camper #1: I'm a lightbulb! Boss: Get to work! When I come back, if you aren't working, you're fired! (boss leaves and everyone continues to do the same things. Then, boss returns and sees camper still not working.) Boss: That's it! You're fired! Get out! (camper drops his arm and dejectedly exits stage. As soon as he drops his arm, the rest look around, stop working, and start to leave.) Boss: Hey, why are you guys leaving? Get back to work! Camper #2: How? We can't work in the dark!