Fishing Secret Camping Skit

Fishing Secret Camping Skit

Fishing Secret   Fishing Secret Camping Skit   Camping Skit

This Skit has gross parts.

Required:4 or 5 campers
Script:3 or 4 campers in a group, all fishing and not catching anything. 1 other camper walks onstage, waves to them and they wave back. He sits aways away and starts fishing. He catches a fish and repeats it a few times.

One camper gets up and walks over to the camper that is catching fish.
Camper #1: I've been here fishing all day and haven't caught anything. You've almost caught your limit already. What's your secret?
Fish Camper : mumble mumble with mouth closed.
Camper #1: What did you say?
Fish Camper : mumble mumble with mouth closed.
Camper #1: Oh never mind! (walks back to buddies)
Camper #1: He's kinda strange. I couldn't understand him.

Repeat with each camper asking his secret until the last camper tries.
Last Camper : We've been here all day and haven't caught anything. What's your secret?
Fish Camper : mumble mumble with mouth closed.
Last Camper : What?
Fish Camper : mumble mumble with mouth closed.
Last Camper : Oh, come on. You can tell me, buddy! (and gives him a slap on the back which causes the camper to take a big hard swallow and look kind of sick.)
Fish Camper : I said - 'You have to keep the worms warm!'

Fishing Secret Camping Skit