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Let Me Have It Camping Skit 
This Skit has gross parts and is meant for older campers. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.
Required: | two water bottles |
Script: | Camper #1: (standing centerstage, to audience) Wow, I just learned the funniest trick at camp. I just need to find someone to play it on. (looks left and right, as Camper #2 walks onstage)
Camper #1: Hi, Jimmy! I learned a fun new game at camp. Would you like to play it with me? Camper #2: Sure, I love playing games. How do we play? Camper #1: It's the "Big Boss" game. I'll let you be the boss and I'll be a worker. You stand here practicing your golf swing while I go off and make money. When I come back, I have to give you everything I made, so you say, "Let Me Have It!" Okay? Camper #2: Okay, sounds fun. Let's play. (Camper #2 takes practice swings while Camper #1 runs off to the side stage and takes a mouthful of water from his water bottle. He then comes back to Camper #2) Camper #2: Let Me Have It! (Camper #1 spits the water on Camper #2 and runs off)
Camper #2: Oh man, I can't believe I fell for that joke. Ha, that was funny. I need to play that joke on someone. (Camper #3 walks across stage)
Camper #2: Hey, Johnny, I learned a fun new game. Would you like to play it with me? Camper #3: Sure, I love playing games. How do we play? Camper #2: It's the "Big Boss" game. I'll let you be the boss and I'll be a worker. You stand here practicing your golf swing while I go off and make money. When I come back, I have to give you everything I made, so you say, "Let Me Have It!" Okay? Camper #3: Okay, sounds fun. Let's play. (#3 takes practice swings while #2 runs off to the side stage and takes a mouthful of water from his water bottle. He then comes back to #3) (#3 just stops his golfing and looks at #2) Camper #3: Hi! (#2 spits his water on the ground) Camper #2: Hey, you're supposed to say "Let Me Have It"! That's what makes the game fun. Camper #3: Oh, yeah. Sorry. Let's play again. (repeat golfing and going to get water and returning)
(#3 just stops his golfing and looks at #2) Camper #3: What do you want? (#2 spits his water on the ground) Camper #2: Come On! You're supposed to say "Let Me Have It"! Don't you understand? Camper #3: Rats! I forgot while I was practicing my golf swing so hard. I'll just stand here instead. Let's play again. (#3 just stands while #2 goes to get water. While #2 is gone, #3 takes a mouthful from his own waterbottle.)
(#2 returns. #3 just stands there looking at him) (#2 spits his water on the ground) Camper #2: What is your problem? Why can't you just say, "Let Me Have It!"? (#3 spits his water on him) Camper #3: I went to camp too! (and runs offstage)