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Penguin Soup Camping Skit 
Required: | 4 or more campers |
Script: | (campers stand in line except for team leader.) Leader: Team ATTENTION! (campers snap to attention.) Leader: This team is the BEST team in the group! To become the best, we have practiced our skills, gotten lots of exercise and sleep, and most importantly gotten great nutrition! We have discovered the one food source that makes us the BEST! (faces Camper #1) Leader:Camper! What did you have for breakfast? Camper : Penguin soup, sir! Leader: That's right! Penguin soup is the best way to start the day! (faces Camper #2) Leader:Camper! What did you have for lunch? Camper : Penguin soup, sir! Leader: That's right! Penguin soup is the best way to keep up your energy on those long days of adventure! (faces Camper #3.) Leader:Camper! What did you have for supper? Camper : Penguin soup, sir! Leader: That's right! Penguin soup keeps our bodies strong all night long!
Leader: So, Team, what do we eat for breakfast? Campers: Penguin soup, sir! Leader: What do we eat for lunch? Campers: Penguin soup, sir! Leader: What do we eat for supper? Campers: Penguin soup, sir!
Leader: That's right. Left face! Forward, march! (entire line of campers waddles like penguins offstage.)