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Professor's Address Camping Skit 
Required: | 2 campers |
Script: | First camper stands at center stage while second camper stands off to side of stage, adjusting glasses, smoothing hair, etc.
Camper 1: Ladies and gentlemen, today we have the great fortune to have with us, one of the most knowledgable scientists of our age. He has won uncountable awards for his inventions, theories, and experiments. Through his work, our world has seen great improvements in environment, social quality, and technical efficiency. Camper 1: His works are only overshadowed by his ability to explain and teach these extremely complicated ideas to other normal people such as you and me. We are very lucky to have him here today to talk with us. So, please welcome the most honorable, Professor Plintnick. (pause and lead clapping while second person walks to center stage) Camper 1: Professor Plintnick will now give his address. (first camper walks offstage)
Camper 2: (adjust glasses, smooth hair, and clear throat) Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. My address is 1486 Sycamore Lane. Thank you. (walks offstage)