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Run-aways Camping Skit 
Script: | You need three campers to play trees. You need three campers to be running away from the dogs. You need three campers to be two dogs and a warden.
Three campers stand on stage, playing the role of trees.
Three run-away campers come running on stage from the side with dogs barking offstage.
Run-away #1: Quick, we've got to hide. The warden with his dogs are right behind us!
Run-away #2: Hey, climb these trees and pretend to be an animal and they'll never catch us!
Run-away #3: Good idea!
(all three climb a different tree)
(Warden comes on stage, with two dogs barking and sniffing the trail to the first tree. The dogs start barking up the tree.)
Run-away #1: Tweet, Tweet, Tweet
Warden: Dumb dogs, there's just a bird up there, let's go!
(dogs bark and sniff to the 2nd tree)
Run-away #2: Meow, Meow, Meow
Warden: Dumb dogs, that's just a cat up there.
(dogs bar and sniff to 3rd tree)
Run-away #3: Mooooooo!
(Dogs bark in a frenzy and warden gets the run-away)