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Short Runway Camping Skit
A Favorite  |
Required: | as many campers as you want in your airplane. |
Script: | Campers line up in double column as if in a small airplane with pilot and copilot in front.
pilot: (flying along, squinting out the window) Man, I hate these night flights. Since this cheap airline made those cutbacks, half our instruments don't work. Can you see the airport yet? copilot: Nope, but I'm looking. pilot: (after a short pause) We're getting low on fuel. We better find that runway soon! Sure wish this cheap airline would spring for a radio. copilot: (pointing to the right and down) I think I see it - Over to the right! (pilot steers to the right, everyone leans) pilot: I can't see it. Sure wish this cheap airline would install brighter lights! pilot: Aha! There it is. I can see a couple lights. Here we go! (start a dive, other campers lean forward and give sound effects) copilot: I think we're coming in too fast! pilot: Give me 20 degree flaps and we'll slow this bird down. copilot: 20 degree flaps, sir! (moves brake lever and sound effects) pilot: More flaps and cut back the engines! copilot: 40 degree flaps! (move brakes and throttle) pilot: It's gonna be tight! Full flaps and cut the engines! copilot: Full flaps, sir! pilot: Hang on! (everyone lurches as they hit the runway and bounce to a quick stop) pilot: Whew, we made it! Man! That was a SHORT runway! copilot: (looking to left and then right) Yep, and WIDE too!